Temerty Advanced Surgical Education & Simulation Centre
A national and global Centre of excellence in surgical training, research and practice.
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Latest News
- Surgical Guidance with AI: Improving Safety and Precision – Hospital News
- How Toronto’s Temerty Centre at University Health Network is revolutionizing surgical training on a global scaleFor example, one my colleagues Dr. Amin Madani and his team are developing an AI algorithm that can provide surgeons with guidance and navigation…
- Cold Steel Podcast: Amin Madani on AI, Machine Learning, Surgical Data Science & Go No Go in Cholecystectomy
- Med-Tech Summit InterviewDr Amin Madani, Surgeon at University Health Network, sat down for a talk with Mike Prasad at Med-Tech Summit Americas June 2022
- Medical Education Research Grant – RecipientsRecipients of the Medical Education Research Grant from the past few years.
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