
New State-of-the-Art Surgical Education Centre Launches in Canada with Johnson & Johnson Self-Directed Skills Lab

New State-of-the-Art Surgical Education Centre Launches in Canada with Johnson & Johnson Self-Directed Skills Lab

The newly launched Temerty Advanced Surgical Education & Simulation Centre, home of the Johnson & Johnson Self-Directed Skills Lab, opened its doors earlier this year and the Canadian J&J MedTech* team was among its first visitors…

New State-of-the-Art Surgical Education Centre Launches in Canada with Johnson & Johnson Self-Directed Skills Lab Read More »

COVID Care Learning platform receives award for innovation in healthcare education

COVID Care Learning platform receives award for innovation in healthcare education

A team led by Maria Tassone, Karen Chaiton and Mohammad Salhia from The Michener Institute of Education at UHN and University Health Network, has won the 2021 Ted Freedman Award for Innovation in Education in recognition of the program: In 2000, Longwoods Publishing created the Ted Freedman Award for Innovation in Education to recognize

COVID Care Learning platform receives award for innovation in healthcare education Read More »

Toronto doctor develops AI prototype to help reduce surgical complications

Toronto doctor develops AI prototype to help reduce surgical complications

When Dr. Amin Madani isn’t removing burst appendixes or excising cancerous cells from his patients, he’s thinking about how to improve the performance of surgeons in the operating room. That’s because up to 25 per cent of the millions of people who undergo inpatient operations each year around the world experience negative complications either during

Toronto doctor develops AI prototype to help reduce surgical complications Read More »